The MINIMAX Family of Products

Minimax Intraoral X-Ray Films

Minimax TRX-S is a size 2 periapical, D speed adult film that comes in easy open paper packets. TRX-S is suitable for all intraoral applications (anterior, posterior and bite-wing exams), and can be developed manually or automatically. TRX-S is available in 144 or 150 films per box.

Minimax Panoramic X-Ray Films
Blue Sensitive

Minimax Panoramic film is suitable for all extraoral examinations. These films are blue sensitive and medium speed (system speed of 200 when used with regular speed intensifying screens.) This film is supplied in 50 sheet boxes and is available in 5x12 and 6x12 sizes.

Minimax Panoramic X-Ray Films
Green Sensitive

Minimax Green Sensitive Panoramic film has a system speed of 400 when used with rare earth speed intensifying screens. Suitable for all extraoral x-ray exams, our Green sensitive film is supplied in 50 sheet boxes and is available in 5x12 and 6x12 sizes.

Minimax Positioning Devices

Minimax manufactures 3 styles of positioning devices. Our bite-wing loops are made of paper board, scored to allow easy folding. Made to accommodate any brand of dental film, and easy to adjust to any bite, bite-wing loops are supplied in boxes of 500. They are available for adult films as well as childrens films.

Our self adhesive bite-wing tabs fold down and stick to any size film in any position desired. They are supplied in self dispensing boxes containing 500 per box.